Pursuant to the Republic Act No. 11223 or the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act was signed on February 20, 2019
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) signed on October 10, 2019, reforms will be implemented to
ensure that all Filipinos are guaranteed equitable access to quality and affordable health care goods and services,
and protected against financial risk. Further, the DOH shall assist the Local Government Units in integrating their
local health systems into province-wide and city-wide health systems that are resilient, sustainable, and responsive
to the needs of the population.
To aid in the operationalization of the law at the local level, the DOH has developed the Online UHC Implementers’
Course which consists of 12 modules. The course is designed to provide various stakeholders with a
comprehensive understanding of the different chapters and sections of the law and its operational policies and
guidelines crafted by the Department of Health, PhilHealth, and other concerned agencies. The 6
th module entitled
“Individual-Based Health Care Packages” explores the various Philhealth benefits which includes: 1)
Konsultasyong Sulit at Tama (KONSULTA) Package: PhilHealth’s Primary Care Benefit Package, 2) Outpatient
and other Special Benefits, 3) Inpatient Benefits, and 4) Z Benefits.