Select the provider type.
Select the appropriate classification of the provider.
Select the residing country of the provider.
Select the profession you're applying for.
Type the complete provider name as stated in the business permit. Do not abbreviate.
Select appointment place for passing of additional requirements.
Welcome to the PRC CPD ACCREDITATION SYSTEM. Your use of this system means that you agree to the terms and conditions as defined below. The PRC may update or modify the Terms of Service from time to time without notifying you; therefore, your continued use of the Service after such modification will constitute your acceptance.
Security Systems
PRC deploys intrusion detection systems, firewalls, encryption systems and other internal controls which are meant to safeguard, physically and logically, all our servers and information systems, including the data stored in these systems. Furthermore, it has an in-house Database Management and Network Management Divisions that secure the maintenance of the whole facility.
Online applications as CPD providers and CPD programs will automatically generate an email response to applicants registered email address. PRC encourages applicants to continually check their email for the status of their applications.
Password Protection
All applicants visiting the CPD Accreditation System pass through the Log-in authentication process. You are advised to keep your password confidential at all times. Change your password frequently, or change it immediately password has been compromised.
In consideration of the use of this Service, you agree to provide true and complete information as required in the Application Form.
Registrants agree NOT to do any of the following:
System user is fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account and for all activities that occur under his/her account. User agrees to (a) immediately notify the PRC of any unauthorized use of his/her Password or account or any other breach of security, and (b) ensures that the user logs out from his/her account at the end of each session.
User is responsible to ensure that only he/she has access to the information by keeping his/her User ID and Password secured. As such, user subscribes and agrees to the following:
Registrants acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for the content of and accuracy of the information placed by them on this site. The PRC does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any information posted by the registrants. The PRC, however, reserves the right to the following:
Payment of the processing fee shall be made after the system accepts the online application.
Failure to comply with all the requirements during the prescribed period, processing fee paid shall be forfeited in favor of the government.
Regardless of the outcome or decision on the submitted application, processing fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
In any case of fraudulent, misdeclaration of the applicant in the use of this Service, the PRC may reject or black list the applicant to prevent his/her further access to the PRC's site, at any time for breaching the terms and conditions of this Service and/or for violating the applicable laws.
Please report any violations of the Terms of Service to our Customer Care/Help Desk group.
No, I have read but don't agree to these Terms of Service.UNDERTAKING
In connection with my application as CPD Provider, I hereby undertake to comply with the requirements setforth in the CPD guidelines; that I will conduct at least one (1) accredited CPD program within a year from the issuance of the accreditation and every year thereafter; that I will ensure the activities conducted meet the criteria setforth by the CPD Council; I will conduct the program in accordance with its approval; and I will submit genuine and correct documents in support to my application and other reports required by the CPD Council.
By clicking Submit Application, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Data Privacy Policy, and confirm that the information you provide are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You will also receive email notifications regarding your application.
In connection with my application as CPD Provider, I hereby undertake to comply with the requirements setforth in the CPD guidelines; that I will conduct at least one (1) accredited CPD program within a year from the issuance of the accreditation and every year thereafter; that I will ensure the activities conducted meet the criteria setforth by the CPD Council; I will conduct the program in accordance with its approval; and I will submit genuine and correct documents in support to my application and other reports required by the CPD Council.
By clicking Submit Application, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Data Privacy Policy, and confirm that the information you provide are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You will also receive email notifications regarding your application.
In connection with my application as CPD Provider, I hereby undertake to comply with the requirements setforth in the CPD guidelines; that I will conduct at least one (1) accredited CPD program within a year from the issuance of the accreditation and every year thereafter; that I will ensure the activities conducted meet the criteria setforth by the CPD Council; I will conduct the program in accordance with its approval; and I will submit genuine and correct documents in support to my application and other reports required by the CPD Council.
By clicking Submit Application, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Data Privacy Policy, and confirm that the information you provide are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You will also receive email notifications regarding your application.
In connection with my application as CPD Provider, I hereby undertake to comply with the requirements setforth in the CPD guidelines; that I will conduct at least one (1) accredited CPD program within a year from the issuance of the accreditation and every year thereafter; that I will ensure the activities conducted meet the criteria setforth by the CPD Council; I will conduct the program in accordance with its approval; and I will submit genuine and correct documents in support to my application and other reports required by the CPD Council.
By clicking Submit Application, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Data Privacy Policy, and confirm that the information you provide are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You will also receive email notifications regarding your application.