PRC-RO1 in A.C.T.I.O.N: Accreditation and Compliance for Accounting Teachers in Institutions of the North


In previously conducted ocular inspections and monitoring efforts conducted by the Board of Accountancy (BOA) across various Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Region 1, a concerning trend has been identified. It has come to observation that a significant number of Higher Educational Institutions in Region I are not in compliance with the requirement stipulating that BS Accountancy courses must be taught by BOA Accredited professionals. In response to this observation, the Professional Regulation Commission-Regional Office I (PRC-RO1) proposes a strategic initiative that will aim to address the compliance gap by conducting BOA accreditation orientation programs for accounting teachers across all Universities and Colleges offering Bachelor of Science in Accountancy programs in Region 1. This initiative aligns with Republic Act No. 9298, also known as The Accountancy Act of 2004, which grants the Board of Accountancy (BOA) the authority to regulate the practice of accountancy, including the accreditation of accounting teachers. Additionally, BOA resolutions and guidelines establish accreditation requirements and procedures for accounting teachers, providing a clear legal basis for the mandatory accreditation of teachers in the field. Furthermore, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) plays a crucial role in reinforcing accreditation requirements for HEIs. CHED Memorandum Order No. 27 s. 2017 presented the alignment between academic standards and professional regulatory requirements, emphasizing the importance of BOA Accreditation for accounting teachers in HEIs offering Bachelor of Science in Accountancy programs. The primary objective of these initiative is to equip accounting teachers with the necessary knowledge and guidance to apply for BOA accreditation through the PRC Regional Office 1. By doing so, it not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements but also fosters a culture of professional development and excellence within the accounting education sector. Moreover, in this learning session, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the legal provisions surrounding CPD, its significance, and the roles and responsibilities of the CPD Council. Professionals will also be guided through the intricacies of the CPDAS application, exploring its features and functionalities to ensure efficient CPD access and management.
1. To ensure compliance among accounting teachers in Higher Institutions (HEIs) offering Bachelor of Science in Accountancy programs in Region 1 with the requirement mandating BOA accreditation;<br/>2. To engage accounting teachers of HEIs in Region 1 during the PRC-RO1 in A.C.T.I.O.N initiative, emphasizing the significance of BOA Accreditation and providing guidance, assistance, and resources to support them in preparing and submitting their compliance.<br/>3. To comprehensively discuss the amended Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise known as the “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”, its interpretation, the essential issued regulations and evolutionary/progression of updates from 2017 up to the present, the on-going evaluation and corrective processes and the direction PRC/Boards are heading, the latest CPDAS orientations, and CPD-related issuances;<br/>4. To harmonized the Regional Office I’s meetings with CPD PMC, Councils’ Secretariat, and CPD Regional Focal Persons, leading to standardized CPD Information dissemination;<br/>5. To identify major issues and challenges and develop action plans/strategies in improving current work processes in all areas of CPD regulation, management, and operations, especially on enhancing the level of understanding of target stakeholders on the various laws, rules, and regulations governing the implementing mandatory requirements.
Date/s of Conduct Venue Attendance
September 20, 2024Zoom

PRC-RO1 in A.C.T.I.O.N: Accreditation and Compliance for Accounting Teachers in Institutions of the North
PRC Initiated Activities
Online Learning

100 target no. of participants
8 hours