National Online Training on Interactive Teaching-Learning Process using ClassPoint

EdTech Teacher Training Center

ClassPoint was well-liked by teachers and students because it encourages participation from students in both online and physical classroom settings. The use of ClassPoint by teachers and students in both face-to-face and virtual lessons will promote and encourage an interactive teaching and learning process. Online instruction can be very different from classroom instruction, where the instructor can engage with the pupils in person. A synchronous Classroom Response System called ClassPoint was introduced along with a live video conferencing platform for students with the goal of promoting student engagement and learning because it allowed for in-person contact between instructors and learners in real-time. Without the trouble of having to switch to another tool during instruction, ClassPoint enables teachers to instantly incorporate interactive quizzes and lessons into their existing Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Hence, this webinar will introduce the use of ClassPoint to 21st Century teachers to help them deliver an interactive and motivating environment for more effective learning.
At the end of the program, the participants should be able to:<br/><br/>• Build direct interaction with students to improve the quality of teaching and learning. <br/>• Integration of ClassPoint to the conduct of classes.<br/>• Use the tool for teachers to enhance the application of information technology in teaching.<br/>• Help teachers to keep students’ attention focused on the lesson.<br/>• Adapt teaching styles on the spot because of real-time instant feedback.
Date/s of Conduct Venue Attendance
August 25 - December 17, 2023 Google Classroom

National Online Training on Interactive Teaching-Learning Process using ClassPoint
Professional Teachers

₱ 200 registration fee
500 target no. of participants
8 hours