On the Move With MATATAG, Get MATATAG Moving

C & E Publishing, Inc,

The C&E ALS Seminar Series with the theme “Ready, Set, Go! Driving the MATATAG Curriculum Forward” is a series of events hosted by C&E Adaptive Learning Solutions aimed to empower educators with the necessary knowledge, tools, and resources to effectively implement the new curriculum in their classrooms. Through expert-led sessions and an interactive workshop, educators will gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance learning outcomes and to build the foundational skills and competencies required by the new curriculum. The roadshow will also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration among educators to share best practices and innovative approaches to teaching.
• Empower educators with comprehensive knowledge, innovative strategies, and diverse teaching tools aimed at facilitating the successful implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum in their respective schools.<br/>• Gain practical insights into leveraging a variety of teaching methodologies, technology-enhanced resources, and pedagogical approaches to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences for students.<br/>• Embrace a holistic approach to curriculum implementation and be equipped to foster student growth, cultivate critical thinking skills, and nurture a love for learning within their classrooms.
Start Date End Date Venue Action
June 28, 2024June 28, 2024Zoom Meeting

On the Move With MATATAG, Get MATATAG Moving
Professional Teachers

Free Registration
300 target no. of participants
9 hours