Empowering Educators: Combating Human Trafficking Together

MH CODILLA Training and Development Services

In our commitment to the holistic development and safety of our students, the Department of Education recognizes the crucial role teachers play in safeguarding our learners against the threats of human trafficking. The CPD webinar, "Empowering DepEd Teachers: Combating Human Trafficking Together," is specially crafted to address the unique challenges faced by DepEd educators and equip them with the knowledge and tools to create secure learning environments. This webinar is exclusively designed for DepEd teachers, school administrators, and education professionals committed to the well-being and safety of our students.
• Provide educators with a comprehensive understanding of the manifestations of trafficking, ensuring they can recognize potential red flags,<br/>• empower DepEd teachers with the knowledge and strategies to be vigilant in identifying potential traffickers or suspicious activities within the educational setting, <br/>• provide practical insights into the intersection of human trafficking and online platforms, offering DepEd teachers actionable strategies to enhance students' online safety, & <br/>• equip teachers with resilience-building strategies to foster a protective environment for students against recruitment tactics employed by traffickers.<br/>
Start Date End Date Venue Action
February 10, 2024February 10, 2024Facebook Live

Empowering Educators: Combating Human Trafficking Together
Professional Teachers
Online Learning

Free Registration
600 target no. of participants
8 hours