PPAN 2023-2028 cum RPAN 2023-2028 Dissemination Forum (Batch 1)

National Nutrition Council Caraga Region

Course Description: The Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN) 2023-2028 is the country’s blueprint for nutrition improvement. The PPAN is an integral part of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) and is also anchored on the country’s long-term vision, popularly known as the “Ambisyon Natin 2040”. The PPAN 2023-2028 was approved by the National Nutrition Council Governing Board (NNC GB) as the country’s framework for a plan to address the malnutrition problem across the life stages. It is seen that Filipinos are affected by poor nutrition due to inadequate food and diet, suboptimal practices, insufficient access, fragmented and uncoordinated nutrition-related services, and poor implementation of nutrition policies and guidelines, affecting overall health and well-being. With this, the PPAN’s desired vision of change is “Reduced all forms of malnutrition across all life stages by 2028.” At the regional level, while Caraga is rich in natural resources, persistent malnutrition has been a cause for concern. Hence, the National Nutrition Council Caraga Secretariat coordinated and guided the formulation of the Regional Plan of Action for Nutrition (RPAN) 2023-2028 as a response to the existing malnutrition problem. The results of 2022 Operation Timbang Plus (OPT Plus) for 0-59 month children showed that the Caraga Region has a prevalence rate of stunting at 8.44%, underweight at 4.08%, overweight and obesity at 2.85%, and wasting at 1.94%. This activity shall serve as an avenue to stimulate discussions among decision-makers and stakeholders on nutrition actions toward reducing all forms of malnutrition across all life stages by 2028. It will also be a platform for sharing innovative activities and good practices among the Local Nutrition Committees in implementing nutrition and nutrition-related programs, projects, and activities.
Objectives: <br/>By the end of the activity, the participants would be able to:<br/><br/>1.) Review and assess the gains and accomplishments of the RPAN 2017-2022;<br/>2.) Assess the nutrition situation of the region in terms of prevailing nutritional problems and adequacy of ongoing nutrition action;<br/>3.) Identify specific activities translating the priority programs in the PPAN 2023-2028;<br/>4.) Enumerate the functions of the Local Nutrition Committees (LNCs) and roles of Local Chief Executives (LCEs), Nutrition Action Officers (NAOs) Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS), and other committee members in the achievement of PPAN targets; <br/>5.) Identify innovative activities and good practices for managing nutrition programs of high-performing Local Nutrition Committees (LNCs) in the area that can be applied in their respective area of responsibility; and<br/>6.) Draw investments for PPAN 2023-2028 and RPAN 2023-2028 from stakeholders.<br/>
Date/s of Conduct Venue Attendance
April 16, 2024Butuan City

PPAN 2023-2028 cum RPAN 2023-2028 Dissemination Forum (Batch 1)

Free Registration
100 target no. of participants
8 hours