At the end of the training sessions, participants are expected to:<br/>• Apply the concepts, standards, and principles of digital literacy, competencies, and capabilities.<br/>• Analyze various digital literacy standards and competencies frameworks vis-à-vis the iLEARN, iCREATE, iSHARE digital capabilities for educators.<br/>• Suggest ways to achieve multiple literacies according to the iLEARN, iCREATE, iSHARE digital capabilities framework.<br/>• Discuss ICT policies and explain their implications for teaching and learning.<br/>• (National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, QualityMatters, PPST Domain 4.5)<br/>• Value the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process.<br/>• (Based on ISTE standards for Educators, PPST Domain 4.5)<br/>• Identify the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning.<br/>• (National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, QualityMatters, PPST Domain 1.3)<br/>• Define and describe Open Educational Resources (OER).<br/>• Describe the different types of licensing.<br/>• Curate, review, and evaluate existing OER.<br/>• Create OERs aligned with the DepEd Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).<br/>• Define Curriculum Alignment.<br/>• Cite the importance of curriculum alignment.<br/>• Differentiate horizontal alignment from vertical alignment of the curriculum.<br/>• Integrate TechTools appropriate for the curriculum to improve Student Learning Outcomes.<br/>• Internalize the concept of Digital Education.<br/>• Plan, design, and create a blended course in a collaborative environment.<br/>• Determine the quality assurance standards and competencies.<br/>• Identify monitoring and evaluation strategies and reporting.