4Rs Training for Women and Children Protection

Child Protection Network Foundation, Inc.

Course Description: The 4Rs Training is composed of two self-instructional modules that participants can complete at their own convenient time but preferably within one month upon enrollment. All sessions are asynchronous. The two modules feature video-recorded lectures of resource persons, supplemented by related references, and assessment tasks that participants must accomplish within set standards. Assessments will be automatically graded. Only if they meet the minimum passing levels of their outputs will participants be given access to proceed to the next tasks. There are built-in online feedback and client satisfaction forms that should be accomplished at the end of each module.
Objectives:<br/>1. Competently recognize potential victims of women and children abuse <br/>2. Competently record, report, and refer to appropriate people and/or agencies for potential victims of women and children abuse <br/>3. Interview a child or woman who has disclosed abuse or is suspected of being abused Online 4Rs Training Online <br/>4. Demonstrate a strong commitment to the cause of protecting women and children from abuse<br/>
Start Date End Date Venue Action
June 04, 2024June 30, 2024https://www.childprotectionnetwork.org

4Rs Training for Women and Children Protection
Professional Teachers
Online Learning

Free Registration
50 target no. of participants
4 hours