A Free Seminar on Promoting a Healthy School Environment

Guinayangan Academy Inc.

For the past 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted almost all aspects of life including the educational landscape. In particular, the pandemic has caused students to be anxious, feel powerless, and vulnerable. And with the limited face-to-face classes to follow the social distancing rules and other health protocols, it has increased screen time which according to many studies is associated with physical and mental health problems such as poor sleep, sedentary lifestyle, and depression. With the schools slowly getting back to normal (or new normal), promoting a healthy school environment that influences students’ academic and social development is needed than ever. Hence, this training aims to develop the faculty attendee’s knowledge on social emotional development, students’ positive perceptions of schools, interventions, promotion of classmate teamwork, and positive relationship between students and teachers. All these show the impact of a positive school climate or environment to the emotional, social, and academic life of the students.
At the end of this seminar, the faculty-participants will have learned:<br/><br/>1. The different strategies in improving the learners’ academic achievement<br/>2. Ways and means in promoting positive behavior and mental health<br/>3. Strategies for creating a safe and positive school climate<br/>4. The different approaches to strengthening family-school partnership<br/>
Date/s of Conduct Venue Attendance
June 3, 2023Guinayangan Academy Inc.

A Free Seminar on Promoting a Healthy School Environment
Professional Teachers

Free Registration
70 target no. of participants
8 hours